
The Galactic Federation

Arcturians are from the star Arcturus, which is located in the constellation Boötes. Here's some informationI have learnt by communicating with them.

Appearance: Arcturians are tall, slender beings standing at 7 feet, with blue skin and large almond-shaped eyes. They have a humanoid form but with distinct physical features that differentiate them from us humans.

Spiritual Evolution: Arcturians are highly evolved beings spiritually and technologically. They have achieved a level of consciousness and wisdom far beyond our human comprehension. It is said that they operate primarily on the level of the 9th dimension. They have evolved past eating and only sleep once a week. They have extremely light bodies and can live to 1500 years of age.

Healing Abilities: Arcturians are associated with healing and spiritual growth.  experienced their healing and guidance during open contact. They have advanced knowledge of energy healing and spiritual technology.

Interstellar Travel: According to some sources, Arcturians possess advanced spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. They are said to travel through space using a combination of advanced technology and consciousness-based navigation systems. They are 35,000 years more technologically advanced than humanity.

Role in Earth’s Ascension: Arcturians are benevolent beings who play a role in guiding humanity through times of spiritual transformation and ascension. They are assisting humanity in raising its collective consciousness and transitioning to a higher level of existence.

Channelling and Communication: I communicate with Arcturians through channelling and constant communication at any time through telepathy. they channel messages through me to their starseeds. The communications always involve messages of love, healing, and guidance for humanity’s spiritual evolution.

I needed to share this with you all because we are now past letting the governments dictate what we know and don’t know. This is why I am fearlessly coming out and giving everyone as much detail as I can to alleviate fear and provide an understanding of who they are and what they look like so that more people can see this and the fear is taken out. Hollywood is run by these black book projects; all movies about aliens are ones of fear. This narrative will start to fall by the wayside now that many of us are not afraid to speak. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me through my website www.hadilstarseed.com. For those who are sceptical, maybe check out my disclosure page and see some of the links I have to help you make an informed decision. The time of humanity living in fear consciousness will come to an end. Too much pain and suffering have happened from greed, and those evil elites control. There are 8 billion human beings; we are more powerful than all of them. It’s time for us to fight for the truth and have FREE ENERGY. This would stop world hunger, the oil industry, and the struggle many have around the world to pay their electricity bills. This is our right; I have attached people that you should follow to get the correct facts. It’s time for disclosure; their games will come to an end.”

The Pleadians

Pleiadians come from the Pleiades star cluster. Here’s some information that i have come to learn from contact with Erica from the pleiades:

Origins and Appearance: Pleiadians are humanoid beings with a strikingly similar appearance to humans. They are tall and slender 7ft tall, with fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. They possess advanced psychic abilities and technology far beyond what humanity currently possesses. 36,000 years advanced from humanity. Their average life span is  500 years of age.

Spiritual Teachings: Pleiadians are spiritually advanced beings who have achieved a higher level of consciousness and enlightenment. They are benevolent and compassionate, when i chanelle them they offer me  guidance and wisdom with so much compassion and love they are encouraging and are here to help humanity evolve spiritually.

Contact and Communication: I have had physical encounters. My first ever contact is in my book this was 3 years prior to my awakening. I have open contact and have constant communication with them through telepathy meditation and the astral plains. All my  encounters have been beautiful and insightful. All communication  involves messages of love, healing, and spiritual awakening and guidance. I am very fond of Erica who has taught me alot. .

Role in Earth’s History: the pleiadians have played a significant role in Earth’s history, including genetic manipulation, spiritual teachings, and guidance during pivotal moments in human evolution.

The Andromedans

Origin and Location: The Andromedans are purported to be extraterrestrial beings originating from the Andromeda Galaxy. This galaxy is often seen as a potential source of extraterrestrial life due to its vast size and the presence of billions of stars.

Physical Appearance: The Andromedans vary widely; they are humanoid beings with similar physical features to humans. The ones I see are blue-skinned, although others have pale skin. They are from 8D; there are different species from Andromeda. They are tall, slender, and sometimes have a slightly elongated skull. They possess advanced telepathic and psychic abilities. Andromedans have highly advanced technology, far beyond what humanity currently has—45,000 years to be precise. This technology includes advanced spacecraft capable of interstellar travel, energy-based weapons, and advanced medical and healing technologies.

Spiritual and Philosophical Beliefs: Andromedans are spiritually advanced beings who have achieved a higher level of consciousness and enlightenment. They are believed to hold a deep reverence for all life forms and ecosystems and always promote peace, harmony, and spiritual evolution. They collect all life forms from Earth to help Earth’s shift so they can help Gaia and humanity replant these life forms and restore destroyed ecosystems.

Contact and Communication: They communicate with me through channelling for their starseeds and through telepathy. I have contact with them in meditation and when I astral project. These encounters may involve receiving messages of Soul progression, guidance, wisdom, and spiritual teachings aimed at assisting humanity in its evolution. Also assisting starseeds with their missions with vital information.

Role in Cosmic Events:, Andromedans play a significant role in cosmic events and the evolution of sentient beings throughout the universe. They may be depicted as part of a The galactic Federation consisting of other  advanced civilizations working together to promote universal harmony and enlightenment.


Spiritual Advancement: Sirians are often depicted as spiritually advanced beings with a deep understanding of universal truths and cosmic consciousness. They are living in 6d to 8d

Humanoid Appearance: While descriptions vary, Sirians are typically depicted as humanoid beings with blue skin. They have tall, slender bodies and large, almond-shaped eyes.

Influence on Human Civilization: Sirian beings have played a significant role in the evolution of human civilization. They are believed to have seeded ancient cultures with advanced knowledge and technology, serving as guides for humanity’s spiritual development.

Channelling and Contact: I have made contact with them through telepathy and the astral plains. I channelle messages from Sirian beings for their starseeds These encounters typically involve receiving guidance, wisdom, or energetic activations and soul progression to heal blockages.

The Lyrans (Felines)

  1. Origin: Lyrans are from the constellation Lyra, which is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. Lyra is a real constellation visible from Earth and is home to several stars, including Vega, one of the brightest stars in the sky.
  2. Physical Appearance: Lyrans are commonly depicted as humanoid beings with feline-like features, including cat-like eyes, elongated faces, and sometimes even fur-covered bodies. They possess great physical strength, agility, and grace.
  3. Spiritual and Technological Advancement:Lyrans are spiritually and technologically advanced beings with a deep understanding of universal truths and cosmic consciousness. They are said to have achieved a harmonious balance between science, spirituality, and creativity. 32,000 years more technologically advanced than the human race.
  4. Role in Human Evolution: Lyrans have played a significant role in the evolution of human civilization. They have seeded ancient cultures with advanced knowledge, serving as guides for humanity’s spiritual and technological development.
  1. Channeling and Contact:I have had many encounters with the Lyran race, showing me the galactic war they have endured with the Reptilian race. I have experienced these events through the astral plane, telepathy, and downloads. I channel messages to their Starseeds. These encounters typically involve receiving guidance, wisdom, energetic activations, and soul progression.
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