

Hadil Starseed

I was born into a Muslim family in Amman, Jordan, and migrated to Australia at the age of three. Even as a child, I was always curious about the deeper meaning of life and constantly questioned things. This led me to seek answers guided by my intuition. Later in life, in my late 20s, I converted to Christianity and embarked on a mental health journey to heal from my trauma and childhood emotional turmoil. During my healing process, I delved into the realm of extraterrestrials, never imagining that it would lead me to where I am now. I am incredibly grateful for this journey. I had a sudden awakening and discovered gifts that sometimes overwhelmed me. After accepting the fact that I can see spirits and communicate with Angels and the other side, I underwent a past life regression, which further amplified my gifts. This led me to have open contact with Arcturians and the Galactic Federation. I received downloads and activations for my mission. I underwent healing and was taught how to manipulate energy using Chi. After dealing with more gifts like channelling, unlocking Akashic records, and more, two months later I had a Kundalini awakening. This then led me on the dark night of the soul. It took me 35 years to undergo an Awakening and Activation, and a twin flame Kundalini Awakening in a matter of three months. I was blessed and grateful to have these gifts instantly. This is what will happen to millions of people if you are a Dominion or part of the 144k; the gifts will be instant and you become a walking radio station to the angelic realms and the Galactic Federation.

I came to learn that Dominion Starseeds, who are also in bodies of extraterrestrials, are in a state of meditation. I explain this further in my book, ‘ The 144k Twin Flame Activations And The 666,666 Dominion Starseeds’ Dominion Starseeds are ancient souls, angelic souls who were incapable of reincarnation in 3D because the human vessel alone could not handle that vibrational frequency. The only way these ancient souls could reincarnate here was by reincarnating in 9D bodies and then using their technologies to reincarnate on Planet Earth. This hasn’t happened before, not like this. For the 144k twin flame Dominions, their souls are ancient, big enough energetically to be split into twin flames in the 9D. The purpose of the 144k twin flames is an individual journey to heal and overcome their limitations. We are to bring balance back to Earth, bringing balance to the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energies to bring equilibrium back to earth’s core. The 144k, half are men and half are women. Each twin flame and dominion must undergo obstacles and overcome them, resulting in unconditional love for oneself and love for all of humanity, resetting the energies back to an equal balance. Dominions who carry too much darkness and are unable to complete their shadow work will end up having a soul and energy swap into a body that can alchemize the darkness and complete their shadow work. Each set of twin flames works with other Dominions; each will have an initial activator who will gather the Dominions. This will happen through activations and downloads. The purpose of Dominions is to remove poltergeists and lower energies from Earth. This is to help Earth ascend, to minimise Earth’s ascension and the natural disasters in her purge to 5D. Dominions will be closing Stargates around the world, and each activator will get these downloads like I did.

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